Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Here at Asian Youth Services Committee, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 1990, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our Non-Profit Organization upon: support, empowerment, and progress. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes we want to see.
AYSC Co-Founders
About AYSC
In 1990, Officer Robert Sayaphupha and I founded the Asian Youth Services Committee (AYSC). Our goals were to address the need of Asian youth. Robert and I felt strongly that there was a great Asian youth social need, one where the needs of recent Asian immigrant youth were not being met. The community had programs to address tutoring, job planning and job training, but the one thing lacking was the recognition and implementation of events to meet the social needs of these young people. The AYSC was formed to address those needs.
The AYSC is somewhat similar to a community service organization. The main difference is that in helping others and with funds generated by AYSC events, members develop needed self-esteem and a sense of camaraderie and trust with other youth. The AYSC is composed of and run by middle and high school students with the help of adult advisors.
The AYSC provides many activities and sponsors large events where the members are taught to analyze, organize, write projections and budgets, and to bring about a meaningful conclusion. They are taught how to delegate, to encourage others to participate and have fun. They become skillful leaders.
AYSC members come from different backgrounds, socially and economically, however they soon develop a great sense of camaraderie and trust with each other. It is sad to recollect that our first president, a Chinese youth with great promise, who tried very hard to escape his environment, was drawn back to his old group and was eventually shot to death. Other AYSC members have gone on to college and higher institutions and are now living productive lives.
Of course, people make a difference in any organization and the AYSC have been very fortunate to have good people in abundance to make the AYSC so successful. There were officers and advisors Warren Young, Panya Sawan, Barry Ko, and Tam Dinh. Along with community Advisors like Ghet Tran, Everett James, Cheryl Louie, and Sifu Robert Lee, the instructor of the AYSC Lion Dance Team.
But the great pride is having youth like Carl Lee, Peter Luu, Jack Chung, Vivian Lee, Annie Lu, Ann Chau, Dorothy Lam, Lung Louie, Kenny Phoung, Anthony Lee, and Anthony Lam. And there were Kelly Paik, Jamerson Ng, Sina Chen, Perry Chan, Becky Wu, Tutram Nguyen, Suzy Lu, and Vinh Bui. And who can forget Pamela Liu, Vicki Ko, Van Au, Ty Lam, Danell Mason, Cheryl Yee, Robert Jue, Mindy So, Cindy Lau, Cindy Fung, Sui Song, Sang Lay, Michelle Kang, Jennifer Chow, Tony Quang and so many, many others.
I believe that the AACC and the AYSC have met their original goals and will continue to meet and exceed those goals.
Written by Co-Founder, Walter Y. Chinn
Since founder Walter Chinn has retired from being 100 percent of the meetings and events. The following volunteers have given their personal time and energy to keep the tradition of AYSC alive and well to the present: Retired Oakland Police Deputy Chief David Downing and OPD Lt Alan Yu. A special thanks to OPD Chinatown Liaison Officers Ouseng Saeparn and Officer Mae Phu. We also want to recognize the following founder and continue supporters: Retired OPD Officer Robert Sayaphupha, Retired Sgt Daniel Ming , Deputy Chief Cliff Wong, Sgt Tam Dinh, Officer Dana Ly, Officer Rita Lee, K9 Officer Johnathan Low, Retired Officer John Hargraves, Officer Danny Chor, and Officer Ronald Yang.
Advisors: Jennifer Gee Cheung, Alice Giang, Linyi Yu, Limsokpov Sung, Steven Chan, OPD Officer Wesley Huynh, Danny Lau, Gilbert Gin, OPD Officer Ouseng Saeparn, OPD Officer Danny Chor, and OPD Officer Ronald Yang.
Volunteers: Yvan Fung, Karen Lu.
Senior Youth Advisors: Chun Huang, Gary Xie, Kelly Lin, Lawrence Chen, Richard Tan, Justin Luong, and Amor Barcenas.
Asian Advisory Committee on Crime

From left to right: Steven Lee, Gilbert Gin, Glenn Kim, Robert Torio, Lt. Alan Yu, Richard Fong, Jennifer Cheung, Officer Mae Phu, Jessica Chen, Tina Diep, Kristie Ly
*Not Pictured* Gilbert Gong, Lt. Tam Dinh, Dc. Cliff Wong, Officer Danny Chor, Officer Ronald Yang
AACC is our mother organization. They are the ones that have created and raised AYSC. Not only do they provide us with the utmost mentoring support, but also financially stabilize our organization. In addition, they open up portals of opportunities, such as scholarships, networks, variety of volunteering events, and etc. With the support of the board of AACC, we achieve greater community goals.